What is a Respiratory Mask?

Respiratory masks prevent exposure to airborne contaminants such tiny droplets that remain suspended in the air. They provide a snug fit and primarily protect the user. Examples of a respiratory mask are the FFP2, KN95 and N95.

What is a Surgical Mask?

Surgical masks primarily prevent the wearer from spreading infection droplets to others. They do however also provide protection from larger respiratory droplets from coughs and sneezes. The Type IIR has a fluid resistant layer.

What is the difference between a surgical mask and respiratory mask?

Surgical Masks protect the wearer and the surgical area from contamination. Masks prevent particles (droplets) being expelled into the environment by the wearer. Respirators reduce the potential exposure of the wearer to airborne hazardous contaminants.

Will a Face Mask protect me from Corona Virus?

Not necessarily, Face Masks are recommended to reduce the spread of the disease but will not 100% guarantee against contracting the virus. They will also not 100% guarantee that you don't spread the virus if you have it.

How often should I change my Face Mask?

A Face Mask should be used once before either being disposed of (responsibly) or washed thoroughly. Note our range of Face Masks are designed to be disposed of after a single use.

Can I order in Bulk?

Yes we are a Face Mask wholesaler and sell by the carton. FFP2/KN95 come in cartons of 1000 masks (100 packs) and Type II and Type IIR come in cartons of 2000 (40 boxes). Please fill out our contact form and we will be in touch with pricing.

Can I order one Face Mask?

We sell FFP2 and KN95 masks in packs of 10 and Type II and Type IIR in boxes of 50. These are common packaging sizes and due to their disposable nature a suitable quantity to purchase.

Are Southern PPE Face Masks certified?

Yes our face masks meet the required international standards FFP2 EN149:2001 A1:2009, KN95 GB2626-2019, Type II and Type IIR EN 14683:2005.